This weekend I went to a local flea market and found an incredible deal . All the games I remember playing in the arcades when I was a kid one one CD, over 900 games in total for only $10 what a deal.

I am asking the question here as I'm sure most everyone here has been in emulation in one form or another may be able to tell me what action to take if any.

Here's how it is. Flea market stand run by two kids (15-17? years old) are selling MAME CDs with +/- 900 ROMs on it. This violates two rules/laws. They are distibuting the emulator and ROMs on the same CD (not allowed) they are also not supplying the 900 boards required for a user to have the ROM images.

Now they are not selling them for very much but they are breaking the law and in effect causing others to break the laws (most likely without their 'customer' knowing).

Has anyone else seen this before?

Should I do anything about it?