games sold!

I REALLY need cash 'cause I suck at doing currency exchanges in my head. So buy up people! don't like the prices, shoot me a counter offer!


I gotta ask for at least $15 per purchase to help for shipping.

NGPC (all are loose w/ clamshell):

Samurai Shodown! 2 - 10
Sonic Pocket Adventure - 10
Last Blade Pocket - 12
Fatal Fury First Contact - 10

All four for $40 shipped!

Ti99/4a bundle:

ti99/4a system, all hookups, no joysticks though. Black version and can play 3rd party carts no problem.

Ms. Pac Man
Picnic Paranoia
Pole position
Car Wars
Chisholm Trail
The Attack
Hunt the Wumpus

Price: $30 + shipping. A VERY fair price considering the AtariSoft games are worth that alone.

NES Games (all loose except Duck Hunt):
Duck Hunt (only missing Manual, slight crushing) - $3
Super Mario 3 (2 copies) - $4
Dr. Mario - $4
BaseWars - $3
TMNT - $4
Deja Vu - $2
Might & Magic - $8 (R6!)
Cyberball - $3
Castlevania - $7

all the NES games for $35 shipped!

PS2 -
Mad Maestro - $10 complete
Harvest Moon StH: $8 (missing manual)

Atari 2600 -
Space Jockey (complete, two copies) - $2 each
Riddle of the Sphinx (loose) - $2

Star Trek Judgement Rites (complete) - $3
Jordan v. Bird (complete) - $3

Tips and Tricks magazines - I have 11 issues, pretty good condition. If interested toss me a PM

Things I want
Including stuff in my trade list (barring Neo items) I'd also like these things:

Atari 5200 setup
MKR Game Gear system
Any GG anime import games (Sailor Moon, Lum, any others)
Import anime Game Boy games (Ranma, Yu Yu Hakusho, others)
Xbox fighting games, Jet Set Radio Future