It probably has.... to some extent.

This is connected to my "CC Trade List" in the "Buying & Selling" section of DP and in response to some (okay, the majority) of people wanting to trade 'crap' games for 'good' games.

I see it like this; I paid $4.99 + tax for most of the games on my CC trade list and the people who were lucky enough to buy the 'better' game titles paid $4.99 + tax for their titles, so I feel it's only fair to do a 1/1 trade since these games were cheap to begin with.

Who is to say that a game is 'crap' or if it's 'good'? Everyone has different tastes and to tell the truth, I had never really heard of 'good' titles (so the general public claims) like Disgaea or Rez so I decided to add them to my want list, with the possibility of someone willing to trade for them. Viewtiful Joe? It never interested me, but for $4.99, why not? I also just want GunCon2 games because (you guessed it) I love playing games that involve GUNS. IMHO, I think my want list is reasonable.

I feel that some people are trying to take advantage of others by asking them to sell the games they bought for $4.99 for a high price of.... $4.99 (and possibly postage) with no other kind of compensation other than a 'thank you'. If some people want to be a nice person, do all the work for nothing, just so someone else (most times a complete stranger) can snag a deal that they missed out on, more power to them, but I have no plans on wasting my time selling these games for what I bought them for. I did all of the searching and I did all of the driving to and from these CCs so technically, just like others who seem to post 'unreasonable' trade offers, I can ask for whatever I want for these games because I have them in my possession.

If I had bought all the games I wanted, I would not even be posting a 'trade list' in any open forum anywhere because I'd be satisfied with my haul.

But since I was on the short end of the stick, especially when put in direct competition with the selfish-inconsiderate-fuckhead Ebay hoarders, did I really have a chance to snag some 'quality' titles? Of course not. I pretty much took the 'leftovers' as some would say, although I think that some of the titles would seem fun to play if I decided to open them.

I still get pissed at the fact that I saw this one guy carrying a couple of baskets of games around, while trying to play dumb. That Asian bastard (don't flame me for that, I'm Asian too so I know how the Asian culture likes to hoard things) just exhuded "I'm a greedy asshole" the entire time he combed the shelves. That fucking leech. /rant


It's times like this that I sometimes wish for another "Video Game Crash" so all the casual gamers and vultures who overprice games will get fed up with games in general and just allow us true gamers to prosper again.

Thoughts, anyone?
