- What is your favorite game on this system?

Baseball Stars, hands down

- What are some of your other favorites?

Mario 1 & 3, Super Dodge Ball, Mega Man 3, Dusty Diamond Softball, Operation Wolf, Rush 'N Attack, Batman

- What games surprised you? Infuriated you?

Mario 3 really surprised me, didn't think a game could be that big, and that beautiful on the NES. Baseball Stars amazed me, it is still my favorite baseball game, ever.

Mario 2 infuriated me since day 1, it wasn't a real Mario game in my eyes (still hate that game), also the Zelda games were tough for me to get into back then, they started seeding my deep rooted hatred of all things RPG to this day.

- Do you remember the first time you saw the system in action? What game was it? What was your reaction?

Yeah, Christmas of 1984 or 85, the day we got ours!! First game was Super Mario Bros. I was impressed how advanced the graphics looked (we had graduated from the 2600 to the NES, when growing up, we were a 1 console at a time family).

- Did you own the system "back in the day"? How about now?

Well, my last answer answered that one, the problem was back then, that I couldn't afford to buy games, so I only owned 13 games in the entire time I had a NES from that Christmas until getting rid of it in 1991...now I have 3 NES systems, 1 top loader!

- How many games do you have for it?

270+ different titles right now...

- Any stories surrounding the system that you can share with us?

I have played 5 full 162 game seasons on Baseball Stars...before the battery died on me you should have seen my team, my Cubs were unstoppable!!! Thank goodness for emulators though, I'm working on a 6th season, albeit, with new players...

My sister has never beaten SMB1...I can beat it in one life without using Warp Zones She's played it even more than I have!!!