Ok, fellow gamers. I have a quest for you. Please email me any info in addition to posting on here. These threads get so easily lost with the many posts.

Back in 1988, I was a senior in high school. The teacher had 2 games which we played during class as a sort of way of learning, plus to have fun, and the winner received extra credit for the quarter. These were extremely cool, at least I thought so. Both had to do with energy.

I believe we used Apple 2 computers, so they may only be available on an apple, but I wanted to find out if they were released on other systems, and exactly what their names were.

The first one was an oil drilling game. You would pick a plot of land, then on your turn, you would either test the soil, or drill for oil. Depending on how much or little you hit for, you would generate so many barrels per round. At the end of the round, you were able to sell none, some, or all of your oil to generate more income to drill for more oil. (If you want a hint on how to win this game, ask me since my team won thanks to my input).

The second game was based on energy evolution. Again, it had the same concept that you begin with the most primitive form of energy, and produce so many units per round. You then earned so much money, and while you get more money, you can upgrade your energy system. I know it began with a horse pulling a wheel in a circle I believe, then moved on to water wheel, coal, oil, nuclear and solar if my memory serves me right.

So do etiher of these sound familiar? If so, please let me know any info.

