Let the geekness begin! WHAT ARE YOUR FAVE ARCADE MEMORIES FROM THE 70's/80's/ or 90's? you know when the arcades were more than dancing freaks looking stupid on the newest DDR machine and lost children
My first memory of ever even playing a real arcade game was when my cousins put me on a stool to play MS.pacman for the first time i had no idea what i was doing but i knew it was fun.
Then I remember being on vacation in colorado and spending more time playing SF2 and the then new SF2:champion edition and competing against other kids from all over the U.S. than spending on the slopes and actually skiing
MY FAV MEMORY OF THE DAYS OF OLD ARCADE GEEK HEAVEN was when I would spend almost every day after work at the local arcade when i lived in Kansas playing MK2 and KILLER INSTINCT! there would literally be two big groups of grungy uncleansed teens and 20 somethings surrounding both machines nothing esle was touched except maybe the old original SF2 cabinet that was in back that a few of us so called "hardcore" gamers would place bets on after a heated match of MK2 or KI damn life was so much simpler back then or so it seemed