Hey everyone whats going on. The reason i am writing this post is because of this. I have been working on a suplement to trivial pursuit that would consist of 3000 Video game questions ranging from past to present. This suplement can be used with any trivial pursuit board. It would just replace the questions. But becuase of the high cost for producing this product i need to know if it is worth finishing. I need to know if there is a demand for such a product and how much people would be willing to pay for such a product. As of now it is tentative but the questions would consist of catagorties such as
1.Action / Adventure
Ex. The Origional Legend of Zelda Takes Place in what World?

2. Character History
Ex. This video game character reciently bypassed Mickey Mouse as the most reconised fiction figure in the world.

3. Early Days
Ex. The atari 2600 Has had How many FaceLifts? (Different looks)

4. Modern Age
Ex. These 2 companies were hired to do The Super Nintendo Cd drive but eventually never did?

5. Meet the press. (kinda like guess the company or developer)
Ex. How many different companies have published a double dragon title?

and more like that (These were just made up off the top of my head) Please if you are interested let me know that there is a demand. Im not saying that i will have this product available tommrow. but i need to know if i should continue with this project. If not as a Board Game , should it be continued on another level such as a book of video game trivia etc.

Thanks in advance.