A co-worker/friend just left on a 2-week vacation to Korea (South, I assume). He's not a gamer, but I gave him a short list of PS2 games to look for, for me, w/ full payment upon return. My only reqs were that they be NTSC compatible, in English so I understand them, & they're $20 or less:

Dog's Life
Vampire Night
Everblue 2
EyeToy: Play (w/out the camera, which I have w/ Groove)

What is the likelihood that he finds the games? Are games quite prevalent there, like in every corner store? (I saw an Xplay where Adam visited a store in Japan, & the place was gaming nirvana, w/ stuff stacked to the ceiling.)

Are English/American games at all available in Korea, or are they as common as Japanese/Korean games here? (read: not very.)

Please don't respond w/ "You can get those games here." I know, but I thought they'd be a bit cheaper/more common there. I realize they're not rare, but I never see them around. Plus, I thought it was worth a shot.