$35 + free shipping for preorders

All versions of HL2 come with Counter Strike: Source, so I'm still not sure if this is some kind of special retail version with HL2 only.

Info about the retail versions....

"Two will be the retail versions: a standard edition that will contain the game on six CDs, as well as its multiplayer version, Counter-Strike: Source. The standard edition will also have three different characters--hero Gordon Freeman, heroine Alyx, and the sinister G-man--on different versions of the box.

The second retail version, the Collector's Edition, will come with Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, and Half-Life 1: Source, a remake of the original game with Valve's new engine. The Collector's Edition will also be on a single DVD and be bundled with a Half-Life 2 T-shirt and a Prima strategy-guide sampler. "

I think I'll take a chance and get it.