My name is Kimberly, but you can call me Chainsaw . I finally made an account here on DP. I live in St. Louis, MO and I can't honestly say I collect games. That requires lot's of fun money that I don't have. I bought my PS2 less than a year ago (please keep the laughing to a minimum). One of my fav. systems ever is the 32X. I had to beg till I bled to get one for Christmas. It came with Doom and Cosmic Carnage. I didn't have a computer then, so that was my only option at the time for Doom. By the way, Jasmine, I can't get into FF either. In fact they make me want to rip my skin off. I love RPG's, but they are not what they used to be. Someone else mentioned Shining Force. Thank you for staying faithful! Genesis has some killer RPG's. The Phantasy Star series was great, then they put it online Currently I have a NES, Genesis, PSX, PS2, and a DC. I have access to gamegirl79's *cakes* systems that I don't have and my friend has a Neo-Geo pocket, NG arcade cart, 3DO, jaguar, and a saturn. He's always looking for a willing victim to play him in fighting games. He slaughters me, I have much shame. Other than that....I love PC gaming as well. I have no job to speak of (Thanks Bush), but when things are going properly I work in laboratory environments. Even after all these years one of my fav. memories is this: 2P Super Mario Bros. Stuck as Luigi......Hey Dad....there's a 1UP mushroom inside that hole....... Worked every time.