is currently in beta testing. We are looking for people to use the site and give us feedback.

The concept of the site revolves around people who collect things. It's a community site, social networking site, as well as a tool to organize, trade, and show off items and collections.

We have a fair amount of item templates right now (see below) and are adding new ones as users request them.

Beta accounts are free and as a tester your account will remain free even if the site goes pay in the future.

Games - Board Game
Games - Card
Games - Game System
Games - Video game

Instrument - Drums
Instrument - Guitar
Instrument - Synthesizer
Misc - Misc items
Music - 8-Track
Music - Cassette
Music - CD
Music - Vinyl
Printed Media - Book
Printed Media - Comic Book
Printed Media - Magazine
Toy - Action Figure
Transportation - Bicycle
Transportation - Skateboard
Video - DVD
Video - Film
Video - Laser Disc
Video - VHS

So please check it out and let me know what you think! Thanks.
Here's an example profile