The topic that I bring forth today, is the one of "time". Precisely, Video Game "time".


Well, basically, what I'm talking about is that I feel that a year in the video game world is much, much longer than just a normal calender year. This has alot to do with the technology that is involved in video games. With new systems appearing every several years, with advancements in graphics and sounds, it seems as though video game years are much longer than one might think.

For example.

Take the Nintendo 64. This system was released late September 1996 in the United States. Right now, it's November 2004. So it's really only been 8 years since the release of the N64, and in the great scheme of things, 8 years isn't a very long period of time. But when it comes to video game time, I feel like 8 years is a very long time. Maybe an even better example would be the Sega 32X. This attatchment came out about 10 years ago, give or take a few weeks.

So it's been about 10 years since the 32X was first on store shelves. Normally, 10 years isn't that long of a period of time. But the 32X seems rather ancient if you try to play it today.

So basically, I'm just saying that I believe that video game time is different from regular time, and I was wondering if other people here agree with me.

I mean, 10 years ago, the music that I was listening too, really isn't that different than the music that I'm listening to now. But the video games are like night and freaking day.

Typically, every 5 years a major new video game system is released, and although 5 years really isn't that long of a period of time, in video game time I think it's more like a decade.

What do you guys think?