This came out today. I just got back with the game and messed around with it for about 20 minutes.

Being the Final Fantasy nut that I am, I HAD to buy this. I don't know much about this, only that it's susposed to be a ehanced version of the PlayStation game Final Fantasy Orgins, which in turn were enhanced versions of the WonderSwan remakes of those two Famicom games.

On my first, although very brief, look at the gameplay, I don't see much new. The graphics are a touch better as opposed to FFO, and the music is the same but also a touch better. Some minor changes in the text and the display options. Three saves for each game. A Beastiary is viewable for each game. FF 2 has charcter portraits added now with the major charcters in the game, next to the text.

The back of the box mentions that FF 2 had a added feature called the Soul of Rebirth but it does'nt explain what it is or what happens with it.

I DID notice one new thing while checking out FF 1. While walking from Corneria Castle to the Temple of Fiends, I noticed a cave on my way up there. "Hey, that was'nt there before" I said to myself and veered off to enter it. It's a Shrine, and a guy inside says that access to the shrine has been closed since the Earth started decaying. I imagine you can go back there after you beat Lich, the Earth Fiend.

Did anyone else buy this today and has put in more game time then I have? Anyone know what the added stuff in both games were?

Right NOW, I can only suggest buying this if you:
1) Are a huge FF fan like I am
2) Do not have FFO
3) Want FF fun on the go

Perhaps if I find out or learn -- maybe from this thread? -- that there is a LOT of added stuff to warrent paying $30 for it if you allready have FFO, I can suggest it for everyone.