In conjunction with the x68K list, I've been trying to write down stuff (not exactly reviews, though I give my opinions on the quality as well) about every arcade game I can. Tonight I did Legend of Makai (/Makai Densetsu) and then decided to look at Master of Weapon, a Taito Xevious-alike from 1989.

One thing you should know is that - for some reason - I also started listing every arcade game I could find that has the World Trade Center in it. Not because I like what happened or am fascinated by it, or because I think the Japanese are disrespectful of our big cities - I've just been interested to see what the answer is, nothing more. What's in this game as far as blowing up a tall building goes is really nothing special for a Xevious-type shooter, but here it is.

That's nothing, though. After I restarted to see if I could get another glimpse at the drawing of said building (I later discovered that those buildings show up just a little while later, so this isn't a unique occurence in the game), the date from the story text jumped out at me: