I had it years ago, around 1980. It was very long rectangular system that was dark brown and had light brown "cartridges" that were almost the length of the system. The cartridges had a square hole near the top to let you see the black and white LCD screen that consisted of a bunch of square blocks. The cartridges also had an area that consisted of a keypad overlay. There was no actual keypad but rather a pressure sensitive area of I think 3x4 "buttons" (though there were no buttons but pressing certain areas simulated them. I remember one of the game I played all the time was a "Connect Four" type game. The system also had a paddle control under the "keypad" that I used to play breakout all the time with. For some reason the memory of this old system that I haven't seen in over 20 years just poped into my head and I can't remember what the heck system it was. I used to play it alot back in the day....