We all know that high bragging rights are accorded to those who unwittingly purchase or acquire rare games. The older collectors, by virtue of the era into which they were born, typically have a great number of these experiences. Why? Well, it's likely that most of us started collecting simply because we knew people who were getting rid of shoeboxes full of games at $1 apiece or less. At such prices, how could a videogamer resist?
( My personal start to collecting was a friend (indeed!!) who was willing to sell me his entire box (nearly 50) of Atari 2600 carts...for $10. I actually had the gall to ask "are you sure there aren't any you missed?", and he and I fished through his closet to locate any stragglers. We found some, too! And he forked them over! No extra charge! Exclamation point!)
Anyway, most of us grabbed those cheap games any way we could, and only years later found out that we had acquired rare property in the bargain. Fantastic anecdotes, here we come!

The filp side of the coin? Collector's blue balls. This is what happens when you (the current day, rarity-informed collector) spot a game you just KNOW is rare. It's GOTTA be rare! "I think I saw this as an '8' in the book! It's only $.49! *giggle* I hope the clerk doesn't notice this growing stain on my jeans. Or, if they do notice, I hope it's after I've already been rung up." (etc.)

You buy your game, you race your happy ass home. You're all smiles and drips, and the first thing you do upon entering your home is tear into the DP guide. You just can't WAIT to confirm what a immense rarity you've acquired--and for such a pitiful price! In the wild! Forty nine cents! Is there a more satisfying way to come across a rare game? Fuck no!

You finally get to the right system...then the right letter...you're on the page now..your finger traces down to the title, and across to the right. "$3 (R2)"

That's collector's blue balls, folks. You're all primed for a GREAT experience, only to have the DP guide pull away and say, "I think we're going WAY to fast here. Let's be friends?" A "2", for pete's sake! It's not even worth the motherless plastic it's cased in! O'Shea's sells games more rare than that!

In any case, my latest bout of "blue balls" was Atari 400/800 Miner 2049'r. It was only $.49, and it was in the wild (Goodwill), and I did think it was a 7 or 8. I guess I was thinking of Bounty Bob.

What are your more memorable "blue balls" collecting experiences?

(PS: Ladies are certainly welcome to participate. I'm not sure what the correct analogue to "blue balls" would be ("chafed, swollen nipples", perhaps? --but you're invited to join the sadness