So today my kid's watching SpongeBob on Nick and I'm on my laptop when they go to a commercial. A commercial comes on and a voice over begins. "Which gaming system do you prefer? PS2, or Xbox?" Then they go through about five or six kids, each saying which they prefer. "Results in just a moment," it says, and then more commercials.

In a minute or two the commercial comes back on and the voice says, "here were the results of our poll. 64% of you kids preferred Playstation 2, while 36% preferred Xbox." They plugged, then went back to SpongeBob.

I quickly searched but I can't find the poll anywhere (truth be known, I probably just don't know where it's hidden on there). I thought it was interesting that they didn't mention the Gamecube at all, since it is the one most often associated with kids (and several Nick licenses appear on it!).