Here's a fresh idea for a poll from the vintage era. I wanted to start this to spark conversation and talk about something new. Which game of the below listed is one that you like best? Some of you may have never played any of these or maybe only just one but give it you best shot, tell us why you liked it and wether you liked the console or not.

First off we have

Water Ski - Atari 7800, really rare game but a great one to boot, tricky controls but well worth mastering them for gameplay's sake. Probably my fav in the 7800 field.

Alien Invasion - Channel F, not a great game overall, but not too bad either as far as the channel f goes, and a moderate Space Invaders clone.

Cat Trax - Arcadia 2001, graphically not great but a great Pac Man clone (actually more of a lock n chase clone) but none the less probably the only decent arcadia game at all.

Polar Rescue - Vectrex, one of the best and rarest games for the console.

MAD - Atari 2600, a beautiful blend of atlantis and missile command, and minimal flicker.