ok got the following things today WITHOUT any cables:

1x US Sega Saturn

as i said, without any cables, i don't have any ac adapters here at home, and if possible i don't want to buy one. Can i connect the nes using my pal snes ac adaptor?? i mean, it also converts to the needed dc input, doesn't it?? The nes says i should use only NES-002 Adapters, the pal-snes/nes adapter is NES-002E, does it work??

My biggest problem is the sega saturn, i have no idea what adapter i could use with it, ive got the following ac adapters
Nintendo 64 PAL
Gamecube PAL
Dreamcast PAL
Mega Drive PAL

do any of these fit?? or does at least anyone know what input the saturn needs?? oh and are there any controllers that fit to the saturn except of its own??

Now on to video connection, my tv is able to show 50/60Hz , so this should work with normal av-cable, shouldn't it?

I got another thing, its a famicom clone from SVC, it's PAL-D what does that mean? and it's ac adaptor doesn't fit into german power supplies?!?? its not that the contacts are wrong, they are just to short *lol*, any idea what i could use?? it does need 9V with 800mA, the NES-002 adapter does produce 9V with 1,4A so this wouldn't work

thanks a lot

btw, what are those pirate copies for the famicom clone worth? games like sonic 5, mario 16 .... are included