It's a show where they help people clean out bthere houses that are huge junk piles. After they clean outbthe house it all goes out side and the people are made to put stuff in 3 piles.
Pile 1 = Keep
Pile 2 = Toss (as in trash)
Pile 3 = Sell (they have a garage sale on the show)

So this lady is sorting out her stuff and she starts keeping Cabbage Patch and other dolls (she says these will be worth something someday) , Holiday sweaters (tons of them), a basket collection, and a Goonies Board Game (apparently her son was in the movie, pretty cool).

Anyway when she comes to an Atari 2600, a Commodore 64 , and a bunch of games for both she says "Toss" not in the keep pile nooooooo, not in the sell pile so a nice DP person has a chance. IN THE DAMN TOSS PILE!!!!!! I WILL NEVER WATCH THAT STUPID SHOW AGAIN. IT WILL TAKE DAYS FOR ME TO GET OVER THIS.

Thank you I feel better now