..there are certain "universal truths" in gaming that I've never felt I could agree with, or get on the bandwagon.
This is more than "what unpopular game do YOU like?" or "games you can't get into?". It's more of an issue of "Do you feel like you are out of kilter with the world from time to time?"


1. I never really cared for Pac Man. I still don't. I have the machine (because I got it for $35 at a garage sale--bad vsync connectionto the monitor--anyway--), and I'll play it from time to time, but I never got "the fever".

2. I actually liked ET. Not to the point of wanting an ET tattoo, but enough so that I would play it somewhat regularly, about as much as I would play something like Joust.
Every once in awhile I get fed up with the default public view (which I think is more rote learning/ parroting than personal experience) that ET is the "worst game ever", and I pipe up.

3. I also couldn't figure out why everyone loved Yar's Revenge. I know I probably just tripped a flag in DP's Echelon program by saying that, but I have to put it out in the open. I keep trying it from time to time. So far, no change.

4. Fast-forwarding many years, I played the demo of Army Men Sarge's Heroes (DC), and I liked it. I bought the full game. The playstyle really felt to me like a 3D "Frontline" (one of my all-time favorites). This series is apparently held in pretty low regard, but I certainly had fun with the game I played.

5. (This is where I put on the kevlar) I, eh, don't really care for SNK fighters. Samurai Shodown 1&2, okay. Everything else? Just doesn't feel right. Doesn't have that "connected" feel that SF does.

I could go on and on. I'm not just being contrary or "anti". I went fucking nuts over SMB, and it's sequels. I liked Halo, and play Halo 2. I have many common tastes, and many eclectic tastes. It just seems that I happen to NOT like more than a few games that have "universal appeal", and I DO like a number of games that are "universally reviled".

Anyone else have a similar situation?