Some one voice their opinion, but I love the NES and most of Nintendo's games for it I look at Mario Zelda Metroid, and a few others and they are just perfect games, graphics, gameplay, control. All just play perfectly. I have finished all of those. My rant is this, I have been playing Zoda's Revenge, I am in Chapter 8 now (finally) and I have finished Startropics. I don't get it, I like this series a lot don't get me wrong, but why do their other franchises have such gameplay and Startropics have some of the crappiest control and handling out of any game released on the NES. I finally finished the boss in chapter 7 and I was to the point of throwing my controller in anger over how many times I died due to the controlling not working right. I can understand the first one of a series being choppy but to continue that crap in the sequel, there's a reason that this franchise died early on, how did Nintendo pass that through their quailty control? that game came out in like 1993 I don't get it. Another prime example is Faxanadu, come on every other game could save at that time but this one has a password save and bad controlling. keeping a good game from being exceptional, I don't want to turn into a bash Nintendo session but it seemed that they let their arrogance and iron hold on the market get the best of them at the time. Anyone else agree, because nowadays a game with that poor control would get a bottom of the barrell rating and the company would take a lot of heat for pulling that crap.