It's that time again! It's been a whole 5 months since the last 'gaming expo' at the pad and I think it's time to do it again. So if you live in the area you're going to want to come check it out. Why? Cauz you'll get to do fun things such as:

* Playing games
* Playing computer games
* Trading stuff amongst the group
* Eat
* Be attacked by cats
* Play in the "Ice Arcade" ... bring your quarters!
* See odd gaming stuff you've never seen before.
* Hear witty things as "Wow, that's a nice, large joystick or "Any one want to play Hump the Wumpus?"

Anyone driving any distance is welcome to crash on the floor (space pending). The cats will sleep on your head.

So where's it at? In scenic Bentonville, Arkansas. Bring some spare cash for food, we've got plenty of places to go.
If we get enough people here for 2 days, we can spend day #2 hunting for stuff.

Reviews from the last 2:

Arcade Pics: