Greetings I was wondering if anyone here can help me out I was trying to form a list of the last games for consoles as they were released.

I searched the forums to see if this topic has already been covered but could not find anything.

Here are a few that I am aware of if I am incorrect please someone correct me..

Sega Saturn
Final Fight Revenge - Japan
Magic Knight Rayearth - US?

Gameboy Color
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Trizeal - Japan ? (I thought some dating simulations came out after this one?)

Not sure if they have yet released the final USA or Japanese Titles yet?


Super NES

Those are about the only ones I can think of, I thought it would be a great resource for many if we all had a list of final games for each system? Please feel free to correct any mistakes or add any others as this is a very short list right now.