I just got a EyeToy the other day, I thought it would be neat for my kids to run around and try to play stuff with it.

I popped in EyeToy Groove, and I had to try to do it for awhile to show my kid how to do it, and man, afer awhile I was breaking a sweat. I was only playing around with the thing for about 20 minutes, but I was started to get sweaty. Of course this tells you that I'm an out of shape lard ass, but still, with the dancing games and the eye toy and the upcoming Nintendo Revolution, there is the actual possibility of losing weight while playing video games! Now there is an interesting concept.

You know, by the way, I've always wanted to have a exercise bike that I could hook up to my game system, and ride my bike around in the game. The handlebars would control the steering the pedals would control the speed, etc, etc. With the technology of the modern day systems, they could make the graphics really amazing too, so you would have some nice scenery. I need to lose weight anyways, so I might as well game while I lose weight.