Quote Originally Posted by MarkMan
Quote Originally Posted by -hellvin-
Incredible game! The graphics are some of the most beautiful 2d Ive ever seen. Im currently at around 83%. Just killed the fire demon boss in the mirror....trying to get the damn bone ark soul ATM so I can cross that stupid spiked water area...
Use the doll + the soul from the ape that throws the flaming barrells... that works too.
Yeah, I found out later that would work as well but finally got the damn skeleton ark! I actually continued to fight ghost dancers for about 20 minutes and got 9 of their souls. So that's +18 luck. I've gotten some PAIN IN THE ASS souls after only a few tries, like the floating eye, skeleton farmer and valkyrie. The ghost dancer soul, soul eater ring, and three 7's armor just reeks in souls like crazy, I've maxed on a few enemies already just walking about.