I was going through stacks of old Snes, Genesis, and TG-16 games, and noticed a few games that really took me in at the time with their unique aspects. I might even be so bold as to call them 'ground-breaking'. Comment on these or add your own

1) Herzog Zwei - Sega Genesis. This was a really cool and strange title. Above view, almost a RTS game, sort of a shooter, this title let you battle head to head against the computer or another player. Complete with a variety of maps, decent music, a variety of units (that you could program to do different tasks!), etc .. it had a bit of a learning curve but I found it *very* rewarding. I remember laughing at the review in EGM, they gave it like 3s,4s, and 5s (on a 10 scale), and I could tell that they just didn't *get* it.

2) Actraiser - SNES. Another odd one, had oustanding graphics for the time, and great music. Had a side-scrolling slasher mode that was very well animated and detailed, sort of like Legendary Axe, and then it had a great strategy/rpg kind of above view mode. Really well produced. Had a disappointing but playabel sequel.

3) Silent Debuggers - TG16. Not a fantastic title, but interesting nonetheless. I remember playing this through on a TurboExpress handheld while sitting in the backseat of a very long road trip. Was a sort of FPS, with a variety of weapons. The sound FX were pretty cool, it actually had sort of an 'Aliens' vibe with the whole life-scanner thing beeping faster or slower depending on what was around you. Cool touches like a map and little cinemas helped a lot. It's probably too dated now to sit through after seeing what FPS became, but it's interesting to see an early attempt at adding some complexity and atmosphere to the console FPS genre of the time (nearly nonexistent).

Well, of the major 3 16-bit consoles, those came to my mind .. how bout you?

*I apologize if there's another thread covering this exact idea, but with 200+ pages, it's confusing to accurately verify in advance.*