I was rummaging through a local Goodwill when I noticed that they had a small shelf packed full of Atari 2600, Genesis, and Odyssey2 carts. I'd never seen Odyssey2 carts outside of a display box before, and so I got intrigued. I pickd up Pick Axe Pete and a few others, along with this funny little cart called the "Power Joy." Now, what the heck is a "Power Joy?"

I have no idea what system this cart would be for. The front sticker consists of a tie-dyed background with the words "Power Joy" and "PJ - 008" neatly below it. The back of the cart is a good read, calling the Power Joy a "sophisticated apparatus" that can be damaged by "human touch or water." So either this is a poorly translated warning or some pirate's attempt at one. I'd post pics, but I figured it might not be anything at all. The cart is black, about the size of a genesis cart only with wider, square edges and a smaller pin connection. I would assume it's older than the N64, but the sticker and cart itself are prety clean for something donated to a Goodwill.

Thanks, any help would be greatly appreciated!