Probably should of done this awhile back, but I wasn't actively posting much last year, just lurking around.

- Who are you?- Mike, Mikey, Michael. 20 years old.

- Where you live?- Burbank, CA

- How you found the forums?- I dont quite remember, probably heard of it from Gamefaqs, I also remember seeing a spot on this site done on one of TechTv's shows (when it wasnt g4 yet)

- What your favorite games are?- PSO, Shenmue series, Resident Evils, Silent Hills, FFVII, FFIX, Grandia II, Zelda series, Perfect Dark...I could go on and on...

- What systems you collect for?- Not for any specific system just yet. But I'm always keeping an eye out for RPGs and Survival Horror games and whatever else strikes my interest.

- What you do in "real life"?- Working at an car appraisal company right now, part-time. Going to school as well. Getting a degree in Fire Technology, future firefighter. Learning Japanese.

- Any other interesting facts, like how you began collecting,
etc? Love friends and family (cherish them so), basketball (helps that I'm tall too), working out, horror and comedy movies, videogames (of course). etc.etc.etc.etc.etc.