Please read the story below. I need clarity on Gamecrazy's refund policy. I explained what happened to my wife tonight and she is ready to go to the store personally. I don't want to cause a scene or like to be involved in heavy drama I like going to stores looking for a deal so I don't want to create a I wont be back type of vibe. If I am wrong somehow ( I don't think so) I will make do. I just need clear insight on the policy so I know what I'm talking about. I posted this in the launch day thread but after talking with my wife I need to here straight from someone who knows mouth.

Here is what happened?

I preorder a 360 at gamecrazy I paid it off.

234.00 debit. 50.00 credit cards rest in store credit trade ins/cash.

The Gamecrazy mgr tells me I won't get one at launch and tells me there is no sure date of when I am going to get one but I am on the next shipment number 6.

I get caught up in the hype I stand in line for 8.0hrs to get a 360 at circuit city I get one.

I decided to go to gamecrazy to buy some games and accessories. and get my 234.00 that was on my debit card credited to my account. The clerks calls the manager the manager says the can't refund a deposit. Some crap about waiting for my preorder to come in and waiting for them to sell it.

I think this is total bullcrap. I understand trade in credit but why can't you recredit a debit card? Now I have a preorder system a system and no games. I didn't want to use my store credit until I talked with the mgr face to face.
i know my wife is gonna kill me. She thinks some money is going to credited back to the account.

I can justify a system and some games not $800.00-900.00 just out there. I have never meet a store that cannot somehow refund a deposit How can you hijack someones money like that? Is it legal?

I was planning to cancel my preorder refund the debit portion and buy games and accessories with the store credit balance 200.00

My circuit city xbox 360 is still unopened in the box my wife will be watching the bank account with the eye of suaron to
see if the money gets credited. If not she is going to the store.

There is no refund clarity on the reciept the debit appeared as cash on the reciept but the visa white reciept is stapled to it. Also it says new and unopened product may be returned for cash within 7days. The debit date was Nov 7th. Technically I haven't purchased the item because I haven't recieved it yet right?

Any insight would be appreciated.