The Nintendo DS, as you may know, celebrated its one-year anniversary earlier this week. I feel it fitting, now, for us to pick our favourite game from the last twelve months. I would have included a poll (cutting out the crud, like Ping Pals and Shrek, etc), but it included too many options.

For me, personally, it is a tough decision. I've only just received and started playing Metroid Prime: Pinball and Mario Kart DS. Both already seem first-class, but I haven't played them enough to warrant picking them as my DS pick of the last year. Meteos is probably my choice, simply because it has sucked so much of my time since I bought it. It was also a game which really drew me to the Nintendo DS, helping to form that strong bond I have with it now. I just couldn't help but fall in love with its addictive nature and oddball music. Genius.