Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Magus
Actually, Eternal Darkness was the one game I was extremely happy to see on that list.

I feel it never gained the recognition it truly deserved... It has always been undermimed as a B-graded Resident Evil wannabe, but in reality I found that it surpassed Capcom's survival horror series in almost every aspect. The graphics may be just above average, and the gameplay mechanics don't always feel that fluid, but the deep, epic storyline and atmosphere are second to none. The game is geared towards adult gamers in every possible sense (probably moreso than any other game I've played so far), and is a stab in the heart to those who see Nintendo as a "kiddy-only" company.
Eternal Darkness was the only game I felt didn't deserve a place on the list simply because of the clunky play mechanics spoiling it for me.

Past that, yep, good list.