Well. It's been 1.5 years since I've purchased a new system and I can feel the need for something new growing. So at the next price drop I will pick up either an XBox or a Game Cube.

If you have either, or both, of these systems please let me know what you think of them. Which one you prefer etc. I am strongly thinking of getting and XBox now, ever since they made Halo a pack in game. I prefer FPS games and have grown very bored with RPG's. I no longer have 45 hours to invest in a game.

One main comparison I am interested in is Jedi Knight 2 Outcast. Is it better on the XBox or NGC. I am a big fan of this series. Actually, I enjoy space or flight games as well. That's another consideration. I would realy enjoy playing Rogue Squadron for NGC.

As you can see I need help on this.