Simple question. Everyone has read countless musician interviews in which they are asked, 'what is the one song that you wish you had written?'

So here it is. What game do you wish you had worked on, created or designed? And why?

Loose groundrules:

None really, but it doesn't have to be your all-time favorite game or even in your top 10. Just one of those games that you'd love to be able to take credit for or would have been fun to be a part of. Any reason you have for choosing the game is good really. It can be old or new, popular or obscure.

With that said, mine is one that may raise an eyebrow or two.

Mike Tyson's Punch Out (NES) or any of the Punch Out series (SNES or Arcade)


Simply because it must have been a lot of fun making that game. Coming up with all the crazy names, dialogue and idosyncracies of each of those characters. Not just anyone can sit down and think up of Soda Popinski or Piston Honda, especially with a straight face. Maybe back then, but it is hard to imagine now.