There are a few games that I played where the fun in it was not so much the gameplay or whatever, it was just working toward the goal of finishing it- (or "beat" or whatever you call it) and since accomplishing that goal, never devoted any serious time to again. Or some that I don't even want to look at!

Double Dragon III - I never really liked this game, but I played it because it was the latest Double Dragon and I wanted to see the ending. After I beat that Pharao-ghost chick, I never subjected myself to Double Dragon III again.

Chrono Trigger- When it came out I played it, it was fun, got one of the many endings within 4 or 5 days, and didn't care to see any more of them. Haven't played it since.

Dragon Warrior- Took me awhile to finally beat the Dragon Lord, and said "Gee, I'm glad I don't have to do that again!"

Super Mario Bros. 3- Got it not too long after it's release, took me a month or so to get good enough to finish it. Which I did a couple times, actually. But since then playing SMB3 just seems more like a chore than a game- it's too damn long!

Gradius- Another "Gee, I'm glad I don't have to do that again!" moment.

P.O.W- I still can't believe I had the strength to endure P.O.W. long enough to finish it. Haven't played it since.

Wrath of the Black Manta- Okay, so I didn't finish it. I got to the final boss, used my last credit before figuring out the ninja-arts sequence needed to put him away. Either way, that game doesn't appeal to me any more.

There are also some games that I still like to play, but never enough to finish. For example, I still like Ninja Gaiden, but once I get to stage 6-2 the thought of putting up with the headache of playing all of stage 6 over again when the Jaquio beats me such a turn off, I usually stop playing at that point. I did finish it twice back in the day, though.

Blaster Master's another one, I'll still play it but once I get to stage 4 or so I turn it off and do something else, that game is too damn long. It needs a save feature or passwords or something.

Okay, what about you? I'm interested to see if different people have that experience with games others love to play all the time.