Quote Originally Posted by roushimsx
Wait, did you make sure you got the permission to scan the Max 15 before you scanned it and uploaded it to the internet? How about The Flintstones box?

I think you're blowing things too far out of proportion.

Do you scan stuff for your e-penis or do you do it to actually help preserve information/data/art/whatever?

Maybe it's just me, but when I scan / record / photo / cap / dump / rip and then see it being spread elsewhere, it puts a smile on my face that someone liked what I did enough to spread it around. If the site I submit it to gives me credit, then that's great and dandy. If they don't, that's ok too. It just irks me when stuff I take the time to scan gets watermarked (which is why I quit scanning stuff for Mobygames).

Everyone is too eager to get credit for whatever that the whole spirit of it all gets lost in the shuffle. Scanners want credit for scanning, websites want to tag/mark every fucking thing so people will visit, pirates are busy tacking intros and trainers to games, etc.
You are completely missing the point. When I scan something and put it on my site, it is because I want people to come to my site and enjoy my efforts. When someone just takes things from other sites without permission, then any person who sees that image is one less person that will come to my site. It means that they don't have to do any work to get visitors. So yeah, if someone rips off my scans without giving credit, I am not happy. Especially when it is IGN.