hey guys,
i tried selling this last month, and succeeded- but the buyer has not paid me, and is ignoring any emails i send, and i need to sell it for bills due at the end of the month.. is there anyone interested in buying?


as for the auction, i dont understand.. they guy had good feedback, yet his first and only email says he doesnt have the money (he won multiple auctions), then he proposed selling some stuff so he couple pay- but when i contacted him acouple days later-telling him i could wait a couple days for payment, but i didnt see anything he was selling online- well thats when communications ceased.. i dont know whats goin on, but since i need the money now, and posting it again would take over a week for the auction to end, then transfering payment to my bank account, im hoping someone here is interested, if so please contact me at neomegaladon@hotmail.com.

Im sorry if this is considered spam, that is not my intent- if it offends, please remove it. and thanks for looking!