In my twenty or so years of playing video games, I've never ONCE had a cart that would'nt work fine after a cleaning. Well, maybe I just found one.

I've had awfull luck buying things off of EBay these last few months -- maybe I should just give it up for good.

I recently won this auction:

Payment was sent by PayPal. I got the game last week, but was so busy with school and everything else I just put it away, left positive feedback, and assumed it was allright since the game was in the box.

I tried it today, and would'nt you know, it did'nt work!

I debated over how I should contact the seller and finally settled on this e-mail:

"I'm sorry for not doing this eariler, but I just now, today, finally had a chance to sit down and check out the Zaxxon 2000 game I got from you last week from your EBay auction. I'm afraid the game does'nt work. It either won't start up at all, or locks when you try to hit Start on the main menu, or allows you to play a little bit and then starts showing screens of garbage. I've cleaned the game and my 32X, and confirmed my system was working allright by playing other 32X games on it.

I'll be more then glad to return the game to you so you can test it out yourself. I'm more then happy to wait for a refund until you've had a chance to confirm the problem."

Anyone else ever seen a non working cart?