Quote Originally Posted by Sweater Fish Deluxe
My guess is that this thread is just full of people who consider themselves "eBay sellers" and so have some sort of wrong-headed sympathy for other sellers.
Quite the contrary, I'd guess that most people in this topic have extensive experience in both buying and selling, so they know what it's like to be on both sides of the fence.

I don't know how you can think there are way more shady sellers than buyers. o_O I do much more buying than selling, yet while I can only think of a few sellers who gave me some serious problems, there are more buyers than I can remember. I'd say out of every five auctions I list, I get a thoroughly incompetent buyer who I end up having to bend over backwards for just to complete the transaction. In fact, as I speak I'm waiting on a guy who bought something of mine on April 24th who paid for the item but didn't pay for the shipping fee even though it was clearly stated in the listing. The guy is frickin' impossible to communicate with; I've sent at least 4 or 5 emails only to receive one reply in which he said he was receiving them just fine (but I guess he didn't feel like it was necessary to reply to them and let me know what's going on). He claimed he had tried to pay for the shipping cost, yet I received nothing in my PayPal, and he said he would pay for it right away in his last reply but again I haven't seen any money nor heard from him since. You wouldn't think that a measly $4 wouldn't be so hard to get, especially when he paid for the item's value immediately. So yeah... that's the kind of crap I have to deal with nearly every time I sell. :/