Well, if it truly was released in limited quantities on the 13th to certain areas, then Im pretty sure NYC would have been included, as that is where I bought mine and saw it nowhere before the 25th. As I stated earlier, my box still has the official yellow sticker on it with the date I purhased it and that is 8/25/91.

I do understand where Anthony1 is coming from. Sometimes its hard when you dont know the exact answer to something, but DO know the wrong answer to it. There are some video game related info-bits that get tossed all over the internet and are completely wrong and really get me annoyed, one example being Snatcher. How many times do I correct people about the damn "uncensored code makes some chick naked and theres more blood" being false?!?! In this case, i KNOW i'm 100% right, but youd be surprised how many people refuse to accept it for some reason because a half-ass site somewhere tells them the opposite.

It just all comes down to finally wanting to know a full, 100% correct answer to something and being sick of hearing misinformation being repeated from an inaccurate source.