Quote Originally Posted by Anthony1



from the November 1991 issue of EGM, in the Super NES Buyer's Guide Section on page 162:

IT's HERE!!!

The long awaited Super NES is finally available to the U.S. gaming public. The first few pieces of this fantastic unit hit the store shelves on August 23rd, 1991. Nintendo, however, released the first production run without any heavy fanfare or spectacular announcements.....

Ah, so August 23rd. Well, in Sacramento, we didn't get it till August 25th, but that's cool with me. I just knew I wasn't fucking crazy, and I knew the August 13th date was total bullshit.

I think you just proved EVERYBODY right. Notice, that they said that Nintendo also PRERELEASED the SNES before the actual launch date.
Personally, I could care less about the paper date. I would be more interested in when it ACTUALLY hit stores for the first time.

PS I think you owe the guy who got it for his Bday, and many others an apology. From that last quote, it would have been easy to get it on the 15th if you were in the right place at the right time.