Thanks for the comments guys.

Actualy that is indeed a cassette tape rack that I picked up many many years ago from The Wiz. It works great for genesis games, however like someone already said the larger carts stick out some, but its not much of a big deal.

As for the lighting, my room gets direct sunlight, and my celing light has 2 bulbs! I took pictures a day before and it was way too dark (wasnt sunny enough outside) so I re took them 2 days later when the sun was out, but the pictures still came out kinda underlighted, oh well as long as they are viewable!

Its taken me my lifetime (Im 18) to get my collection to what it is today, this is indeed my bedroom so over the years I slowly transformed it from an ordinary looking kids room (started buyting games back when I was like 6 or 7, but got into "collecting" around 12 or 13) so it has finaly gotten to the state where my entire room is covered in gaming material. Will my room look like this 20 years from now? no idea, but I dont intend to stop collecting as long as my room can hold it!