I am hoping sony isn't shipping more ps 3's at the kmart my brother works at. The kmart he works at, is in the Milwaukee area and the store is close to a freeway exit. Milwaukee county is not a small area in population for the Midwest area in the united states. If you count the city of Milwaukee and the areas under Milwaukee county like West Allis, brookfield and others I didn't mention have a population over 630,000 people combined. That is alot of people in a county in the Midwest outside of Detroit and chicago.

At the store my brother works at, Ps 3's aren't selling well. There was only 1 ps 3 sold last month, and that was to an employee! In the meantime, there is a high demand for the wii at the store he works at. The Kmart my brother isn't able to meet the customers demand for the wii. The Ds is also selling better the psp is at that store.

What is happening is sony is inflating their ps 3 system shipping numbers numbers when sony increasing their amount of product for making ps 3 systems. They may report those numbers are sold, are really shipped to stores that don't need more ps 3 systems. Sony will have alot of ps3's shipped, but there will be too many ps 3 systems on store shelves or in the store's back room. If sony ships way too many ps 3 systems without the demand for a ps 3, like it appears now, sony could cause a crash or sony's video game division will not exist anymore.

I am saying that a crash could happen due to the fact 2 of the first signs of the video game crash of 1983-1984 was pac-man for the 2600 and E.T for the 2600. Pac-man sold about 7 million copies, but atari shipped around 12 to 15 million copies of the game depending on the source. If sony ships way too many ps 3's, a store will have to cutdown the price from $599.99 to $300.00 for a system due to the fact the store or the wherehouse the ps 3's are being stored will be taking up to much space. A store is capable of lower a price for a ps3 if that is the store could not sell the systems otherwise and no store from that retail has the need for the extra ps3 systems a store has.