Quote Originally Posted by RadiantSvgun View Post
I have to admit, I feel the same way you do. To me, its like working with a kid that has so much potential and never uses it.

Sega needs to make a real Phantasy Star game, and a real Shining force game. Oh, and another Streets of Rage and Beyond Oasis would be nice. Sega has lost a lot of its spark.
Why does the Streets of Rage series have as big of a following as it does? None of the games were great. They were mediocre Double Dragon and Final Fight clones.

I never understood why the Sonic the Hedgehog series became popular, either. The original Sonic the Hedgehog game was decent, but nowhere near as deep, polished, or innovative as Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Mega Man II, Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, etc.