Quote Originally Posted by heybtbm View Post
I still say GTA IV is going to suffer from the "Crackdown effect". Using vehicles to get around and being essentially earthbound will just seem boring when compared to jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper or taking someone out from across the map with a heat-seaking rocket 30 stories up. Even Just Cause had parachutes and a grappling gun.
I agree, but I think I've had enough time off from Crackdown (1200 achievement points, I'm a loser) to be able to get into this without a problem. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't looking forward to Crackdown 2 more than I am this, even though it hasn't been anounced.

This trailer looks pretty badass though, it seems like the protagonist is going to have a strictly defined personality and purpose within the game, something you don't really see too often. More often than not its, "You are hero, save things!" so it'll be refreshing to be able to really connect with a character with a driven purpose.

I just hope I can pull myself away from Halo 3, Blue Dragon, and Mass Effect to be able to play this...