Hey if you are going to comare one generation to the next don't pick one of the best from one generation to symbolize the whole generation and a made up generic bad one for the next.

In truth Adventure for 2600 was a breakthru and a classic for all time but there were so many other duds back then it killed the whole industry. Don't forget about that whole game crash thing. Achievements are a tool and nothing else. Its not gunna save a bad game but if used correctly they add to the experience.

I love logging in to see who on my friendlist has what when compared to me. To be generic "soandso beat the level 4 boss on Hard" if its a new achievement and I haven't done so I'll send him a thumbs up message or ask for tips. If he has been playing Guitar Hero II all week and still can't beat Buckhead Jordan on expert I'll make sure to rub it in a bit.

Prior to this not all games had an ending. Some games just go on forever if you let them. Achievements bring the closure we call "beating a game" to those games than normally just had no end.

Quote Originally Posted by BHvrd View Post

Make a choice:

"Hey, I found a hidden room in Adventure" turn to page 101

"Hey, I killed 1 million monkeys online" turn to page 201

I'm sure there are people that are getting the basic of what i'm saying here.