Quote Originally Posted by diskoboy View Post
I agree.

I find that article very hard to believe. Especially since the game selection is absolutely horrendous, and last month, they were only up to something like 6.8 million sold worldwide.

And with Halo 3, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, and Eternal Sonata due in the next few weeks and months, and the new, smaller, chips coming soon. The 360 will probably pick up some more steam again, shortly.
I think you're confusing hardware sales with software sales. While the Wii may be close to number one in hardware, they're dead last in software sales. Basically, people are buying it for parties to play Wii Sports and the like.

Personally, I think the Wii is this generation's Pong machine. It's bought, pulled out for parties, and spends most of its time gathering dust. And I love Nintendo.