Quote Originally Posted by Flack View Post
Neat idea, but I don't expect you to see anything after 30 days. If you don't, you haven't proven that blowing on carts doesn't cause damage -- only that blowing in carts doesn't cause visual damage within 30 days. I suppose if you wanted to get a bit more scientific you could use a multimeter or something and measure the conductivity before/after the spit batch and/or 30 day waiting period.

We all know that salting the roads during winter causes cars to rust, but not in 30 days.
I dunno, not many games were blown in daily for several years (or even 30 days), so I kind of think Frankie's method is a pretty good "accelerated" test, unless one thinks that it takes a couple days of 'rest' for the full amount of damage to occur. I think that any and all damage/corrosion would occur within a few minutes; as soon as it dries no more corrosion (than in the control group) occurs. I guess how, umm, moist your 'blow' factors in here as well. To what degree it is accelerated is definitely debatable.

p.s./non-sequitur - my wife hates the word moist.