Quote Originally Posted by OMF2097 View Post
Just when you thought this couldn't get anymore funnier:

This is actually all my fault, because I sent the guy a message on ebay showing him the neo-geo and pcenginefx threads. (I would have probably sent him this thread too if I frequented DP more) I was originally going to say something along the lines of, "hey guy, you're nuts, and a jerk for trying to leech off my hobby," but then I decided that a better approach would be to just show him the threads so that he could figure out for himself that he was batshit crazy with his BIN price (and that he should, y'know, give it a scrub).

I guess he just figured that a lot of people were talking about it so it must be a hot commodity. What a maroon.

And check out the PCenginefx thread for some hilarious photos of the guy I posted. (It's http://www.pcenginefx.com/forums/index.php?topic=5307.0 for you people too lazy to look). He likes to do that thing where you cross your middle and ring fingers so your hand looks like a "W" -- he's from the streets, yo!