2008's Top 20 (Best) U.S. Saturn Games poll will be up soon!!
We have a total of 38 games and here is what the poll will look like: (Don't vote here...)

Albert Odyssey-Bought this one a year or so ago for $35 mint, honestly didn't like it much though

Burning Rangers-loved this game, definetly needs a remake

Darius Gaiden-great shooter lots of fun and cheap!

Dragon Force-best RPG/Strategy game on saturn one of the best period.

Fighters Megamix-had some interesting characters

Guardian Heroes-sweet beat em up! Treasure did well!

House of the Dead, The-the start of one of my favorite gun series

Magic Knight Rayearth-not a particularly good game but very nicely packaged bought my minty copy for $30

Nights-this is a must own and without sonic in my mind is the saturns mascot. Brilliant game. Better than its recent sequel on wii also
Panzer Dragoon-excellent on rails shooter-with dragons!
Panzer Dragoon Saga-one of my all time favorite rpgs, best saturn game and well worth the asking price which is $$$ This should be 1st or at least damn close!
Panzer Dragoon Zwei-great sequel

Sega Rally Championship-damn addictive, dirt cheap, constantly coming back to it! Still the best in the series

Virtua Cop-nice gun action
Virtua Cop 2-same as above but better

Some great games all worthy of some praise. PDS should be number 1 in my book with nights right behind